
Holocaust Resources

On this website:

Jews of Latvia: Names and Fates 1941-1945 - How to use the new Latvia Names and Fates Project website

Yizkor Books - The detailed listings for each town in the Regions and Towns section (divided by province/region) indicate whether the individual town has a Yizkor Book available.

Shefayim Archives, especially the Communities inventory list

Additional Holocaust resources

Arolsen Archives

Feigmanis, Aleksanders. Latvian Jewish Intelligentsia, Victims of the Holocaust. Shared with the permission of the author.

JewishGen Holocaust Database

Jaunjelgava Jewish Citizens Fascist Victims List, 1941

JewishGen Yizkor Book Translations - search under country "Latvia." This list may include some towns that we have not yet added to our Regions and Towns section. A majority of these translations are from: Levin, Dov. Pinkas Ha-Kehilot Latvia v'Estonia. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem: 1998. Please contact the Latvia Research Division Coordinators if you are interested in translating the chapter for a particular town.

Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives - name index and general archives search

Holocaust Memorial Places in Latvia - listings with photos, sponsored by the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia. Includes a comprehensive list of links to other informative websites.

Jewish Survivors of Latvia in the USA - copies of their informative newsletter are available on their website

Liepāja Jews in WWII - a memorial site with a database of names and biographical details of Liepāja Jews murdered in the Holocaust

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - "Collections search" with the keyword of "Latvia" or a specific town yields a variety of resources, including testimonies. Some, but not all documents are digitized; others require a visit to the museum.

USC Shoah Foundation - Visual History Archive Online - This can be accessed directly, and is also one of the components that is part of the JewishGen Holocaust Database. If searching from JewishGen, it may be searched by name and/or town. The JewishGen database records include links to the original testimony in the Visual History Archive.

Yad Vashem