Projects and Opportunities

Latvia & Estonia Research Division: Projects, Opportunities, and Contact Information

We are always looking for additional support! This group is entirely comprised of volunteers. As a result, all of the progress we make is based on the support of volunteers and donors. All contributions are greatly appreciated.

Current Projects

The Latvia Research Division is currently working on the following indexing projects: 

Future Projects

Volunteer Opportunities

We have opportunities for Hebrew and Russian speakers as translators, as well as people familiar with Old German script. We also need people familiar with spreadsheets (no language skills necessary) to compile and prepare data for loading into our database.


Our projects are made possible through the donations of our members and researchers.  We appreciate your support.

Leadership Team

The Latvia & Estonia Research Division is administered by an international (US, UK, Israel)  team of three co-directors who have a total of 87 years of genealogical research experience among them. Two of our directors, Arlene and Marion, were  involved with our predecessor organization (Latvia SIG/Special Interest Group) from its earliest days. Arlene has been instrumental in forging a relationship with the Latvian archivists since the late 1990s. 

Contact Us

We are always happy to hear from you and we welcome your questions, as well as suggestions and links to resources to include on this website.

Contact the Latvia & Estonia Research Division Co-Directors -

Contact the Webmaster -